Tribe Culture Change Blog

Crisis Culture Insight – Part One - Tribe Culture Change

Written by Joe Standen | Apr 9, 2020 5:53:01 PM

How we look out for colleagues and customers during the crisis

We are pleased to share with you Tribe’s interim insight document
describing the challenges faced by organisations through the Covid-19
crisis with regards to health, safety and wellbeing.

It has been put together using a combination of survey data, webinar
and focus group sessions and will be regularly updated as we learn more
through the length of the crisis.

The aim of this document is to provide collective insight from
mostly larger organisations drawn across a range of industries,
some at a global level and some at a national level.

Organisations are generally reacting quickly and with purpose as the crisis
shifts and the four major themes where we see organisations are focussed,
specifically related to behaviour and culture are around Trust, Mindset,
Resilience & Engagement.

Join our follow up session, where you will have the chance to join a more focussed discussion with virtual break out rooms themed around the four areas.

Register for our next VIRTUAL FORUM: Health, Safety & Wellbeing for the new normal
How organisations are supporting their people through crisis and into acceptance

Wednesday 15 April, 2pm 

If you missed last week’s webinar, you can view a recording here:

If you would like to get in touch with us to find out more about how we can support you, contact 07866 586710