VIDEO – Part 1: What is Authentic Leadership?
Watch this video featured on SHP Online where Safety Experts from Arcadis, Portakabin and Tribe outline the most important qualities required to be an authentic leader
“You need to hear everyone’s voice, get everyone’s buy in and input, show that they are valuable and that their opinion matters.”
Philip Houtermans, Global H&S Director, Arcadis
Tribe spoke with the consultants from their own team as well as safety experts from Arcadis and Portakabin to learn more about authentic leadership and what it means. Honesty, transparency and leading by example are but just a few of the qualities echoed by all the experts, with ethical behaviour that stands in line with your own beliefs and values being vital too.
“Having integrity – does our behaviour match our values and our beliefs?”
Lou Webb, Tribe Consultant
Authentic leaders empower their followers to be the best versions themselves, rather than relying on more negative methods of persuasion such as manipulation or control to get things done. Through building relationships based on trust, respect and communication, a sense of community is created with employees feeling engaged and empowered towards achieving a common goal.
“Be a lighthouse, so that people know where they can go to for what the vision is for what they want to be, and who they want to follow.”
Ratna Morjaria, Tribe Lead Consultant
To learn more about what authentic leadership means, watch below and look out for Part 2: What is Authentic Leadership where we share five top tips.