What is Company Culture and How Can Tribe Help You?
Read on to know more about Company Culture and how to change yours?
Tribe Culture Change has been helping companies change the behaviour and its ethos otherwise known as its culture for the last 30 years. We have a unique approach that combines the science with the art of engaging audiences with creative, ‘outside the box’ solutions.
Because of the work Tribe does with clients, lives have been saved, incidents minimised and workplaces have become healthier and more productive.
What is Organisational Culture?
Essentially it is an organisation’s way of doing things or more controversially, sometimes it’s extended to ‘the way people do things round here when leaders aren’t around’.
It’s the company’s culture that dictates the behaviours and attitudes that are deemed acceptable within the organisation and its the leaders that determine this culture for everyone to follow. It’s about leading by example.

So why should you change your company’s culture?
Are your workers at risk within the workplace? Not just from death or injury, but perhaps mental health or bullying? It’s a company’s responsibility to look after their workforce’s wellbeing – be that physical or mental. This is known as Company Culture.
To learn more about the facts and figures of how a negative safety culture impacts its workforce and subsequent financial loss, download our free The Culture Change Starter Guide.
For more information…
Download any of our documents below to learn more about Company Culture or book a free consultation with Elisa to find out how Tribe can help you.