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‘Gamifying’ health and safety training: Who Risked It?

Mick-and-Mark-1For those of you familiar with Tribe, you’ll know we like to do things differently to make culture change stick. Our ‘Who Risked It?’ interactive workshops are no exception. Mark Ormond, Managing Director at Tribe, and Mick Moore, Global Health and Safety Director at ISS tell us more about the concept.




Mark, what’s the set-up for ‘Who Risked It?’? 

“‘Who Risked It?’ is one of our unique, sticky methods of engaging workshop participants. We create a possible incident that could take place within the client’s sector in a 'crime scene' setup, whether virtually or physically, drawing participants into a compelling narrative.   

We hear accounts from characters involved in the incident and explore the human factors contributing to their behaviours leading to the incident. Participants work in teams, each equipped with evidence tables and incident boards. The teams survey the scene, gather evidence, and piece together the puzzle of the incident. To make the scenario realistic, participants see props, photographs, filmed interviews, and other elements to provide context and make the experience really engaging and insightful.”

Mick, how does the game encourage a change in behaviours?  

“‘Who Risked It?’ reveals that every character has a role to play in creating a culture where incidents could occur. This realisation is pivotal in encouraging personal ownership and a deeper understanding of the necessary solutions for a safer work environment. 

It's brought it to life for them as individuals and it's a very different way of training. They think they’re going to get a health and safety lecture, or ‘death by PowerPoint’. But they actually leave thinking, “I have a role to play in this regardless of whether I'm the person with the tools in their hands”. 

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